Mmgl Annexure To Part 27 - 5. To Feel The Atom Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Mmgl Annexure To Part 27 - 5. To Feel The Atom

A person endowed with divine eyes, they can see and feel individual atoms separately. Others cannot see the existence of these atoms in the crowd of bodies. These atoms will be visible to their eyes like one thick lock of hairs on the head after the sunset.

(6) Seven kinds of colors

Black birth, blue black birth, green birth, red birth, golden birth, white birth, like this different births take place. After their maturity they finally merge in pure white birth and reach their final abodes. Those who do not like get destroyed; they get the pure white birth to qualify themselves to reach the final abodes.

(7) Markali's sacred writing

To obtain good results, or lose whatever obtained, or when many obstacles occur, or they reach those places of their own accord, or to suffer the pains of worry and joy, or to get rid of the same by and large, the sorrows of the birth and death—all these things start immediately when a life sparks inside the womb. Worry or happiness can both be categorized as atoms. The result of the deeds done in the previous birth will be carried forward to the next birth, which will be according the nature of those deeds (good or bad) . Quoting this truth of Markali Kosalar, the Jain ascetic told his principles to Manimegalai.

9. Niganda Vadhi

After hearing the controversial words from the Jain ascetic, Manimegalai then approached Niganda Vadhi and asked him, "Who is your head whom you praise and worship? What are your scriptures? " Niganda Vadhi then explained: -

(a) Ten kinds of things

Our God is the Jain Supreme. He taught ten principles, (1) Thanmathikayam, (2) Adhanmathikayam, (3) Kalam (Period) , (4) Aakayam (space) , (5) Kutramatra Jeevan (Pure soul) , (6) Paramannukal (Atom Supreme) , (7) Nalvinai (Good deeds) , (8) Theevinai (Bad deeds) , (9) The fruits of such actions, (10) ultimate abode.

(b) Three creations

Each material in the world has its own individual property and when it combines with another material, it acquires another property, like this it maintains its permanency as also non-permanency. This nature can be keenly examined and it can be found that within a second they can change their shape and position. This way it is exposed to three kinds of changeable nature.

(c) Permanency and non-permanency

This is like the seed of a neem tree sprouts and becomes permanently a neem tree. In that newly grown neem tree, the seed that caused its growth is absent. This is the state of non-permanency. When the cereals (moongdal) are made into a sweet beverage (Payasam) , though their shape is destroyed and made into pulp, their property is not spoiled.

(d) The material body

To suit the function of the world, it exists in all material bodies and acts in the way each material has to act.

(e) Non-material body

It becomes the permanent property of each material body and keeps the stability of that material body.

(f) Period

The nature of a period is to calculate mathematically a short event within a time frame that is required for the happening of that incident.

(g) Space

The space has the property of expanding itself to suit needs of all materials.

(h) Life

Life is attached to the body and enjoys good tastes and sense objects.

(i) What is abode?

Lifeless body is a single supreme atom. It has the property to stand by itself outside the material body. It can change the way of joy and sorrow as a result of good and bad deeds. It enjoys the fruits of the good deeds of the past and then snaps its ties with birth. This is called reaching the abode.

Like this Niganda Vadhi explained to Manimegalai.

(10) Sangyam Vadhi

(a) The source part

The principles of the Sangyam religion, Sangyam Vadhi started explaining.

It is difficult to know what nature its ‘self' is, but it turns into three properties, with no mental occurrence, it has a general behavior to show its existence. This is the source part of it.

Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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