Miss South Africa - Miss Complicated! Poem by Sylvia Chidi

Miss South Africa - Miss Complicated!

You are yet to heal from scars and bruises
All my love treasures for you have no uses
Yours walls are up and it's you who chooses
My discontent does not stop and its I who loses

Miss South Africa - Miss Complicated!
Miss South Africa - Why are your fears so over-rated?

And what really confuses
Is words have their misuses
Nothing more amuses as she makes excuses
She rejects my adoration - Yes she simply refuses
In aggressive defence she quickly accuses
And retreats back to despair like all recluses

Miss South Africa - Miss Complicated!
Miss South Africa - Why is our experience unfortunately ill-fated?

I am fascinated that my words have not been assassinated
Because you run your mouth like a water hose
If you can't compose then rub the right elbows
It is quite clear that all your life you have been dominated

Miss South Africa - Miss Complicated!
Miss South Africa - Why is destiny so underrated?

And I discovered she is a troubled Soul
It is easier to reach the South or North Pole
But no one can claim to be close to perfect
Faulty cracks are laid even within the intellects

Copyright 2019 Lovina Sylvia Chidi

Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
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