MIGRATING BIRDS Poem by Hubert van Herreweghen


Rating: 3.5

The summer that has cheated us;
the gloomy lesson autumn brings.
Beneath the slow, high cumulus,
I see a black bird fly across,
heading south with beating wings.

The magical flight of the wild geese
and cranes with their clamouring cries
over the land like a golden fleece.
Winter brings shadows, dark without cease,
until a new journey fills up the skies.

Vulnerable heart and senses in pain,
There is no home, in east or west,
where, landed, you're not restless again.
You must learn to love life, that's plain,
Or, anyway, to love the rest.

Susan Williams 19 March 2019

Part 3. Could you - -would you- - translate those you have posted in your language into English pretty pretty please and not worry about rhyming the words just let your imagery flow because I imagine it would be a Herculean task to rhyme in your language and then try to get the same imagery across and rhyme it in English. Love your imagery

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Susan Williams 19 March 2019

Part 2. While looking for another poem to read, I saw you write poems in your native language. I am impressed with bilingual poets.- as in WoW! ! !

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Susan Williams 19 March 2019

I liked this poem very very much- - golden fleece.though for me interfered with the bird theme and the poem's smoothness of delivery at that point- - I personally can't use an end rhyme scheme effectively and I totally admire those who can- and you did very very well! .I think I'll be reading more of your work! ! !

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