Mankind's Fault Poem by Randy McClave

Mankind's Fault

All that they want to do is to drill and drill
And then steal and steal,
From the belly of our own Mother Earth.
Then they want to use and burn and pollute
So, we can ride and fly and commute,
Then the oil companies will have their great mirth.

Prices at the gas pumps is getter higher and higher
For the gas buyer and also the gas supplier,
But, their needing will buying is their ultimate toil.
Instead of harvesting the gifts from the sun or the wind
Instead to the depths of hell they will instead descend,
Until their tankards are brimming full with oil.

From Earth her oil they will pump and pump
And the gasses they will thump and will thump,
And from all countries citizens will be cursing and swearin'.
They will fight and they will bid and there will be war
Even when they get down to the Earth's core,
Then on that day her belly will be hollow and barren.

Soon the oils and the gasses of Mother Earth will be gone
When the last drop of her blood has been drawn,
Now all machinery around the world will come to a halt.
Man will then scream and cry what can we now do
Our dependency on oils has grew and grew,
Remember this, it is indeed man's own knowledgeable fault.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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