Love In A Dream Poem by Randy McClave

Love In A Dream

I had a dream last night
Which gave me pleasure and delight
But, when I awoke she was not there
She was a vapor escaping in the air.
She wore for me satin and lace
Because of her I am still wearing a smile upon my face
And though she was just a Dream
My eyes are still agleam.
Her face I still can reminisce
And I still remember her passionate kiss
Though I am not in a mindset
Her hair I believe was brunette.
I still owe her a great and an unpaid debt
Sadly how quickly to those who we forget
Her eyes they twinkled and they shined
My soul she let unsigned.
As I lie in my bed remembering a fantasy
Oh how that I wished her I could truly see
If that dream were to ever come true
I would want it to be with you.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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