Love. Poem by ally lira


What is love?
And how do you know your in-love, or even loved?
There's songs, stories, even movies about love, but none explain what it is.
In stories its not only an emotion but its physical,
it makes you sick, you get so lonely that it nearly kills you to be away from your lover...
but is that right?
Can you feel physically sick without a person?
In movies its all happily ever after... but what about reality?
In songs, its people believing they're in love then they get brokenhearted.
Can you truly ever trust a person, even though you never really know them?
You only know what they want you to.
Is anyone ever faithful anymore?
Has chivalry and honor died now that were in the 21st century?

Ive seen marriages end as if they were pulled straight out of a horror movie,
babies being born out of wedlock, does anyone have any morals anymore?
Has our humanity truly been changed to the point of no return?
People no longer love themselves which makes it impossible to love another person...
and why am I being criticized for not succumbing to such stupidity as drunken sex,
or better yet, not tolerating being walked on?
Where have women's self appreciation gone, and their confidence to know they're one of a kind?
Where have the honest to goodness men gone, where chivalry and manners are everything?
When did people change so much that sex is now meaningless to people?

In my eyes sex is everything, you have to give a very intimate part of your body to another
every time one has sex, they lose apart of themselves, and who's right is it to judge another
based on what happens between the sheets?

Has love truly been lost with time?

Love. A four letter word that for some, has no meaning.
For others its everything.
Love isn't just casual sex or a word to jump someones bones,
its a feeling,
its intoxicating, and subtle. It makes you giddy
its frustrating and horrible.
Its flirting with the unknown, having confidence in yourself as a person and with your life,

everyone at least once in their lives wants to be loved or to love another,
but nowadays, people rarely get it.
Girls and guys both get scared to give themselves completely to another,
but why?

Love is not sex.
Its wanting someone for who they are as a person,
so why did everyone stop looking? Love is not controlling or possessive,
its trusting and teamwork,

but what do I know? Maybe I'm wrong.
I can only give you my opinion of love....
now honestly, search within your heart and soul,

what is love to you?

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