Lost Love Poem by Sarah Jane Massie

Lost Love

A lost love can be fatal. fatal as death itself. is it a crime taht I still love him? Yes, apparently it is, because when I smile at him, he does nothing in response, not even a sign of acknowledgement. I gave him everything I had and he threw it all away. Day by day I try, to tell him that I miss him, but he just stares and walks away, with another girl to replace me. Another girl in his arms. He has forgotten how alike we are, and that apart, we were never far. It makes me sad to see taht we will never be. Apparently we weren't alike at all, and I had to take the fall. Letting go was the hardest part, when I saw them finally together, my soul began to wither. Without him to hold me and to tell me things will be okay, I fade day by day. I still hope though, that he'll come to realize his mistake and take me back once more. Me- for whom he can adore, but I know that this is foolish, because I can see he is happy with this new love, and I begin to wonder, was I really taht bad? If it's true, then it makes me sad, I see that he is glad, but to me it makes me want to mourn. The gods and goddesses do scorn at my pitiful thoughts! But what is one thought? When love is this fatal, and I now that death is around the corner...


hunny is this about mike or your ex in texas! ? cheer up and keep looking to a bright future. I know you can find happiness again. Its in you. you just dont see it cuz your giving up too quickly. dont. hang in there and know that i am here for you.

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