Letters Written In 3 Days Poem by Indra Setiawan

Letters Written In 3 Days

1st Letter for Anarchy Harold from infamous person
Genesis a correction an expert decimal zero value statement a growing inser alphabetical unknown, unsuccessfully located area by any direction of law, need fast an underwriting to be continuing works in deed or before cancelled works.

Genesis down hill is safe, upcoming need more power and machineries going into the top. Supply is being stopped after Manchuria dessert, London is coming within 45 days spread until red sea cape. Press a slow down for more than 6 months.

With Or Within 3 Days
Genesis bread and water, no milk with sugar cause weather in sub tropic. Rain is coming between every two hour, condition bad hardly organize and missing view of angle. Texas is in mission and watch over bridges connected to the city (major and capital) .

2nd Letter for Chamberlin Franklin from infamous person
Sigma an expected fire from in front and every side in 100m distances,25 people is counted and 3 tents with 2 white flags.3 uniform peoples is countering our troops, now is waiting for a dark night. Comparative of weapons, looks so a different type since last time being seen.

Sigma Dallas move into center of conflict in between 10 minutes.2 from 20 Fire Stingers are already in positions for more than seven hours, around the enemy territory. Hummer station give more 10 include 30 combat troops. In hour need some advice.

With Or Within 3 Days
Sigma Enemy lines is a hand of major from our troops, city and enemy weapon supply in counted and keep in a good condition as found by a witness from civil people. Best Regard to Franklin.

3rd Letter for USS Abraham at Atlantic Ocean from infamous person
Omega an courage some more tomcat jet to see a canyon and dessert with north east direction, night is coming soon and no human being at this time, food and drinking water in good supply until 3 months.

Omega see 7 jet fighters in sky make a good victory formation, thank you so much. Enough for today works,200 tanks and 50 enemies defense line is in colonel hand and this is 1st victory for our since 3 months a go. We invite professional army more…. more to joint ours. Heavy an arterially need oil and gasoline, just in case for 6 month missions.

With Or Within 3 Days
Omega overview conditions city nearby capital city around, our truck and heavy arterially in good shape with out any regard to convoy take inside position at capital and around city immediately, need more direction, map and advice. Education people need immediately, press radio, and camera are hardly to understand situation of civilian people, an advantage point for our side.


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