Let's Break The Mold Poem by Shane Bryan

Let's Break The Mold

Love is quite tricky, Sometimes it can be quick, or sometimes be  picky.

Or perhaps your more like me, and your open to dream, I dream of every possibility. 

But the scariest thing, Is when you know what this is, and you recognize the feeling. 

Butterflies in your belly, and her my knees,  they begin shake and feel like jelly. 

I know with you my heart races, and I no longer see the other ladies, I don't even remember the faces. 

Because in my heart and in my mind, you are special, the rarest kind. 

The kind with a heart so big and true, so full of love, for me your boo. 

I find that the greatest honor, that you have blessed Me with, is that i am the one you call your lover. 

I tell you this tonight, because these feelings i have for you,  for once they feel right. 

I have only held you for a brief amount of time, but I plan taking your hand, and making you mine. 

I want to see you all dressed up in white, as we stand at the alter, and make love on our wedding night. 

I cannot even fathom measuring my love for you, just know that it's deep, and know that it's true. 

That the idea of a family and a home, is a thought I embrace, a thought that I own. 

I often dream of what our children's faces will hold, your eyes or maybe your nose, baby let's break the mold. 

I want to entangle our bodies in a passionate twist, making love to you, it is simply bliss. 

With this love we will make life, and that life will deepen love, and that is my goal in life. 

To deepen our love for each other with each growing year, until we sit on our porch, all grey in rocking chairs. 

Because darling when I say so, I mean it for real, I want you forever this I know. 

So until the day that I die, I am forever yours, until with the angels I fly. 

And on the other side I will wait, on a bench, with St. Peter at the pearly gates. 

For my one true love to reconnect with me, because only then can I rest peacefully. 

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