Learn To Obey The Rout Of Your Destiny Poem by Nero CaroZiv

Learn To Obey The Rout Of Your Destiny

Learn to obey the rout of your destiny
And follow the horizon to its final edge
For you do not abode where the internal are
Nor your nostrils breathe air among the stars
Your path in the universe is not an endless orbit
But too straight line, narrow and languid
Short without the touch of heavenly infinitude
Brief upon the face of earth
Scarcely touched by happiness and mirth
Your pace never crosses and never runs with these orbs
Of mingling lights
And you estrange in the harmony of universe delight
Sweet mother earth’s womb
Where you feed and thrive
Is your final end and your dark tomb

Go search the great cities, the pride
The paradise and glory of ancient days
Now in grave of wilderness hide
Their wrecks like torn waves of vexed sea foam plays

Their monuments like shattered mountains rise
And wild weeds and baleful copses, dress
The bones of their desolation's nakedness
By the edge, gray walls molding in their duds falling prize

On their mow dull time feeds
like slow fire upon a hoary torch lulling peaks
While the laughing flowers along the grass are spread
As an infant smile over the coffin of a dead

Those mighty ages those power full empires
Dreadful tyrants and savage emperors
The all lie buried in the ravage they have wrought
For what their memory can lend you borrow not

Submit to the laws of thee nature
And follow the lights whose smile kindle the universe nurture
The ORA and splendor that in the firmament of time dwell
That may never be eclipsed or veiled

The glory of mountains's peak blazed with morning sun
That at early dawn to its extreme heights climbs
Leaving death, down beneath collied clouds
To roam in our celestial world
with low mist that cannot blot
The eternal light or veil the human spirit

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