Landscape Inspired By Sibelius First Symphony. Poem by Margery Rehman

Margery Rehman

Margery Rehman

Glasgow, Scotland but living in Karachi, Pakistan.

Landscape Inspired By Sibelius First Symphony.

Rating: 5.0

In this lonely brooding place
The old gods still have power, still reign.
Here the rough-hewn hills around the lake
Stand out like ramparts, built by them,
Lurid lit as the fleeting sun slips out
From behind the rain black clouds,
Then disappear in mist again.

Between them the wind sighs,
Sadly keening
Like the Swan Maidens
Searching for their wings,
And stirs the grey lake waters
Drumming softly on the rocks
As wave after wave rhythmically rolls
Towards the pebbled shore.

Larch, birch, ash and pine,
Ancient, magic trees,
Sweep low in unison, rustling
To the music of water and wind.
Somewhere among them
Hidden from the eye,
Deer uneasily graze, stamp quietly
And silent wolves slip softly by.

Thunder echoes from Thor's dark hammer,
Lightning sparks from Wayland's forge,
Dark clashings as of gods at war.
Shrouding all in fog, cascades the rain
Like the torrents of tears shed
By Freyja weeping for Balder slain.

The storm abates, moves on.
The sun, freed, paints in fresh-tint tone
Glorious colours upon mountain and lake.
The trees stretch heavenwards
Straight, tall and bold.
And way above in a cerulean sky,
Formations of home-bound geese fly high,
Heralding Spring triumphantly.

Andrew mark Wilkinson 07 October 2007

Wow Margery... Loved this epic poetry, i could see it all in my mind.. Beautiful write Margery, sounds like your missing home...10

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Alison Cassidy 09 March 2008

Now you tell me! It's inspired by the great Finish master himself. Yes. It doesn't surprise. You have captured the Nordic clarity and sparseness well and the particularly 'hollowness' of harmony that i always hear in his music. Good to read you again Margery. You have a great feel for imagery. Love, Allie ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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Alison Cassidy 21 November 2007

A fascinating picture which has left me wondering... Could it be Mr. Wagner that inspired your words, or perhaps something more British, like Vaughan Williams, or maybe something American - Aaron Copeland? I'm still wondering, but my ignorance in no way spoils my enjoyment of the immaculate images that flow so effortlessly from your pen. Beautiful poem. love, Allie xxxx

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R H 29 October 2007

I can hear the music, I can see the landscape - a stunning piece Margery, eloquently composed. I'll be back to read this again. jz x

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Monica Engeler 07 October 2007

Just love the way you describe things. Especially how you use music and myth together. You have a great creative wording. Nice.

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Magda Graf 07 October 2007

Margery, this blending of landscape, music and myth is very powerful. I can see the scene before my mind's eye and feel the presence of the ancient gods. Warm regards, Magda

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Margery Rehman

Margery Rehman

Glasgow, Scotland but living in Karachi, Pakistan.
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