Lady Luck Poem by Alex Francis Komban

Lady Luck

My lady luck strode towards me majestically yet gracefully
She was, to me, the very epitome of female beauty
Her white robes dangling from her bare slender shoulders, fluttering gleefully in the wind
Her black flowing hair dancing as if they were whispering playfully to the air surrounding her
With a sweet graceful smile certainly reluctant to leave her lips
A remarkable calmness and kindness in her brilliant sparkling eyes
She touched me with such tenderness that I was filled with profound happiness
I could feel hope and courage filling inside me, gradually melting away all my worries

The air around me has certainly changed from bad or worse for I am in a different world now
It had grown dark and gloomy and only desperation filled inside of me
I felt as if a dementor had sucked all the happiness out of me
Fear pounded violently on my heart, defeat was the only thing that invaded my mind
I looked around but my lady luck was nowhere to be seen, and anger boiled inside me
But the very thought of losing her plunged me into even deeper fathoms of grief
All I could do was but to wait hopefully for the good days ahead,
I had hope and I had the courage for I could still feel her kiss lingering sweet and fresh upon my cheeks

The mood of the air has changed once again, hope and happiness gave life to it
Good days were back again, with greetings and well wishes coming from all directions
In the distance, I could see my lady luck, but the mere sight of her turned my anger into pity
Her beautiful face turned pale and weary, her black hair turned into shades of grey
A glimpse of life flickered in her eyes, but her graceful smile had shown reluctance to leave her lips
Then the painful truth dawned upon me for she had shielded me during those days of sorrow
Protecting me under her caring arms, taking the brunt and the curse all by herself
There is a lady luck for all of us, a guardian angel, loving us selflessly and faithfully to the core

They say the greatest love on earth is motherly love, which to me is indeed true
Her scolding, advices, corrections and affections undeniably for my betterment
Or it could be a girlfriend, a wife or a lover, a woman in whom we find solace in
Someone who will be with us through the thick and thins that life has to offer
And there is a very good friend of mine, a girl so poised, mature, understanding and subtle
To whom I always look up for help, whose company I crave for, and a friend whom I sorely miss
Then I have my lady luck, watching over me all the time, a fortune which only I can see
Always smiling upon me, with her kiss lingering sweet and fresh upon my cheeks

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