King Of Darkness Poem by Parameswaran Nair Damodaran Nair

King Of Darkness

Rating: 4.8

There on the foothills, across the river
Under the grim shadow of chilling fear
Stands the haunted mansion isolated

Being mysterious like the Bermuda Triangle
No birds fly over it nor cattle venture grazing
No visitor steps in nor beggars seek alms

The old "NO ENTRY" board at the entrance,
And his scary image bar children from jumping in
Even to recover their lost cricket balls

According to folklore he is a retired professor
Of metaphysics, with extended life on potions.
His wife died on testing the magic drink

He claims to be powerful as Count Dracula,
Richer than the Count of Monte Cristo
And older than the high priest of Shangri-La

His maids and servants are replaced
by spirits and ghosts who serve him free
From dusk to dawn and leave at daybreak

Attempts of theft could vehemently be averted
Having the thieves fallen unconscious on seeing
Him dancing with the fiery ghosts and spirits

Sage Vyasa is his classmate, he claims,
And Aristotle and Socrates his disciples.
Learn, 'Arrogance leads to Insanity'

Superiority Complex leads to insanity
Rose Marie Juan-austin 17 August 2020

What a beautiful imaginative story imbued with a meaningful message. Each and every stanza grips a reader. The arrogance is vividly depicted in details and the ultimate stanza creates a big impact that enhanced the beauty of this write. Excellently written.Top marks.

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Thank you dear RMJ for the energising comments. The professor still lives among us without any use to the society. He is condemned for neglecting the social commitments and ghostly life. He believes in the strength of wealth and not in humanitarian considerations

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Aarzoo Mehek 13 August 2020

Impressive narration, imagination soaring high just like the proffesor in the poem You succeeded in creating the eeriness and the last punch line depecting the essence of this poem. Enjoyable read. 10+(+

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Thank you very much for the comments and the rating. The poem is about a man living, secluded and segregated, among us without having the qualities, at least, of the profession.

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Valsa George 11 August 2020

You have created an eerie atmosphere, at once ghastly and interesting! It can be read like a fairy tale and a ghost fiction ! The claim of the protagonist who is another Dracula that Aristotle and Socrates are his disciples is the height of bragging! A poem that sends chills down one's spine!

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Thank you very much for the comments.It really m akes me happy that the intented effect has been precipitated. The life of the professor who is of no use to the society is ghostly. Every movement of his is targeting money. He doesn't pause for any consideration

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Anil Kumar Panda 09 August 2020

The man has gone insane. Only in tales such places are described to make those interesting. Loved the way you have inked the story into a poem. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you very much dear AKP. I am happy to know that this kind of poems too can move the readers as much as it do from short stories and novels

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Rajnish Manga 08 August 2020

Folklore and the narrative woven around it is quite interesting. But the net finding makes it highly motivating and worthwhile piece- Superiority Complex leads to insanity. It can be related to various situations and live episodes in the contemporary history. Thanks dear sir.

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Thank you very much Rajanishji.Please forgive me for the delay in replying, It is due to some defect in the PH site. Our comments appear after a long time and replies too are delayed. The seeds of complex that fall in the minds fertile for it slowly grows to a big tree and when the society ignore it problems arise

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