Kid's Are Becoming Notebooks Poem by kai kaiser

Kid's Are Becoming Notebooks

Kids are becoming notebooks

In the 2020's everything is racist or homophobic. People nowadays are scared to speak because they might offend someone and get screamed at. Kids nowadays are like a notebook, wide-ruled in fear with what "being themselves" means written on thin blue lines of expectations and clauses. A bold red headline is branded on their arm stating
"Famous Comedian Canceled Due To Saying Black Instead Of African-American"
The red headline branded onto the kids telling them the same could happen to them. Kids growing in this generation have holes in their mind and soul like notebooks,
Three holes going through each layer of paper that only allow so much new information per page. The holes are like scars from innocent questions that are unknowingly "insensitive" resulting in yelling and guilt but no explanation as to why it was a "bad question".
Front and back covers are something both quickly growing little ones and notebooks have. The front cover on a notebook is used to label what subject it is for. Covers on growing kids are used to help them act the way others want them to. It is a label on what they are expected to act but like the label on a notebook there is more on the inside than what the cover shows. Then when you get to the back cover you truly find out how little you knew about the scared adult that was molded by fear of offending someone or being rude; the scared adult whose thoughts and questions are serving a lifetime sentence in the back of the head because they offended others when the scared adult was learning how to be a person. Don't ask why though, the reason why something is offencive or wrong is never told for you should already know. Kids are becoming notebooks. In this generation there is an offended epidemic causing fear of hurting someone's feelings leading to isolation.

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