I Don't Get It Poem by kai kaiser

I Don't Get It

I don't get people who don't want to die alone when the only way to not die alone is to be murdered
I don't get it when adults say "You will understand when you are older"
I don't get it when scientists deprive themselves of sleep so they can study the dangerous effects of sleep deprivation
I don't get why men used to be seen as better when they wouldn't exist without women
I don't get it when "Cristians" tell people what god thinks of them as if they can read the lords mind
I don't get it when old people say "Your so brave" to people after surgery as if they had a choice
I don't get it when parents don't love their own kids
I don't get it when people say "Be yourself" but then they get mad when you be yourself
I don't get it
Why can't we let kids be kids and respect people
I do not yet understand a lot but maybe I will understand all of this when I enter the other side of mortality.
I may be young in comparison to a lifespan but I do understand this;
I get why some people are scared of death while others welcome it
I get why adults keep secrets from their kids even if it's wrong
I get why teens are sleep deprived no matter how much sleep their bed supplied
I get why past lost kids want to be seen as better
I get why god loves everyone and why he does not need someone to say who he loves and hates like a mom telling her kid "You don't like that" when looking at a menu.
I get why people view others as better than themselves
I get why not all parents deserve children but all children deserve parents
I get why people say "Be yourself"
I get why some people never got the chance to be a kid
I will never get why we can't respect each other

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