Is It The Time To Give Up, Yield My Friend? Poem by Emmanuel George Cefai

Is It The Time To Give Up, Yield My Friend?

Is it the time to give up, yield my friend?
I ask myself, I look at the high heavens.

They throw no answer, remain mute
And silent in their sordid majesty.

Day after day, pass, power, wealth,
Pass, the rest will pass.

Daniel Brick 06 June 2015

i think you definitely mean SORDID MAJESTY, and it is a deserved epithet for a higher realm which hoards greatness and remains silent. Instead of giving up, raise your voice in just protest: YOU HEAVY INSTRUMENTS OF POWER! DO YOU HEAR ME? (I'm quoting from one of my poems from last year.) A GOD FREELY ADMITS HE WAS WRONG! Is it possible. Well, Kierkegaard argued (wrongly, I believe) , Before God, man is always wrong.Sic. That is sheer power politics raised to a cosmic degree. Is THAT what Christianity means? Well, it's exactly what a Lutheran minister preached at my mother's care facility the year before her death. I asked the minister about his preaching: He was unfamiliar with KIERGEGAARD. but prayer had taught him. OH, CHANGE THE PRAYER to The great sea and the sky and the strong wind move the spirit inside me, and I am carried away trembling with joy. Inuit shaman, Northern taiga

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