...Invocation... Poem by Sarvesh Kulkarni


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The numerous axes,
all unknown,
of unknown parts…
of uncertain belonging…
meet at a certain point
somewhere in the cosmos
and produce me in their effervescence.

My spatial desire
comes to the fore,
and leads me
to the various galaxies
within me.

Why does a beckoning,
from unsurpassed corners,
of a never-ending mist
of pure being,
defines each pulse
of my ever spontaneous becomings?

and why does the parameshwara,
of my own little world….
tickles in me,
the joys of parabrahma….?

S. Radhakrishnan in the prologue to his translation of and comments on the Isa Upanishad:
“It is interested, not so much in the Absolute itself, Parabrahman, as in the Absolute in relation to the world, Parameshwara.”]

Anjali Sinha 12 May 2009

why? maybe to produce more effervescence maybe to bond with that uncertain belonging maybe maybe--

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Surya . 12 May 2009

simply b'cause u have unfinished work on this eath. do it to the best of ur ability and in the best interest of all. the rest is taken care by Him alone.nice poem.posted 10 surya

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Vaibhav Pandey 05 May 2009

very deep poem sarvesh.....I appreciate your knowledge of vedic philosophy...great

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Indira Babbellapati 04 May 2009

can we simple humans ever envisage what we are vis-a-vis the cosmos? keep reading, sarvesh...

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Kesav Easwaran 04 May 2009

We are all just a few of the infinite limbs of a Supreme Body, Sarvesh...His Infinite Joy is thus tickled in every beings of this universe...thanks... I'll advise you not to go that deep in Vedic Philosophy...you are too young for that now...intellectual musings well brought out...10

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