Invisible Wall Poem by Randy McClave

Invisible Wall

There's an invisible wall around the U.S
Now we Americans are in full distress,
Cargo ships are anchored away off shore
Their cargo can't be brought to our local store.
No one wants to unload the ship's cargo
As long as we can either beg or borrow,
So, all the ships will stay moored
And their products aging and secured.
We are to proud to do that or any minimal job
It's easier if we would just steal, use or rob,
More stimulus checks we scream for and cuss
As I and we argue and fight and fuss.
There is produce rotting away in the fields
Where they had once profited great yields,
But, immigrants can't harvest as they had before
Because, we have screamed we don't need them anymore.
We don't want to pay workers a livable wage
That's the last entry on America's deeded page,
We wanted a wall built to keep immigrants out
Now, we need help as we scream and shout.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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