Im Just Passing Through Poem by breanna givens

Im Just Passing Through

In my mind I’ve come to a stage where I’m no longer living,
I’m breathing and even thinking but I can’t feel the life in me.
You could say that I was brain dead since I can’t live beyond my judgment,
My heart is beating regularly but my soul seems to be absent.
The poison of the outside bleeds through my tongue with words,
I am not one of them I simply live among them in this world.
I exist but I am only alive to chosen people on the earth,
People look at me they don’t see me because to them I am no one.
Others look through me and see nothing but the statistics set for the color of my skin,
I am this, I am that, I am everything but who I really am.
So no I am not living, I am alive in a world where opinions and judgment determines who you are. I am not walking but passing through. I am watching and taking notes. I am not wondering but observing, the most crucial species known to life! ! ! ! ! !

By: Breanna Givens

Cupid Missed! 18 March 2009

Spectating life and wishing u could take part is a theme that you carried with realism and matter of fact.

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breanna givens

breanna givens

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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