I Will Keep Penning On Since Lots To Write About Poem by Francis Duggan

I Will Keep Penning On Since Lots To Write About

The stuff I pen few read and perhaps none do recite
But I will keep penning on since I do love to write
I am getting on in years and succes not coming my way
But I'll keep penning on since with words I am one who loves to play.

Some tell me it is time I gave penning stuff away
That I repeat myself I have said all I can say
But I keep penning on since lots to write about
Though my worth as a rhymer I never cease to doubt.

In the big Literary World not even one of minor note
I never do refer to myself as a poet
For people to refer to themselves as poets does now seem the in thing
It is okay with me if their own praises they do sing.

Time on us ticks away I'll soon be an old man
But I'll keep penning on for as long as I can
Of Life and of Nature that I've loved since I was a boy
'Tis something I love to do and something I do enjoy.

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