I'Ve Said More Than I Ought To Say Poem by Francis Duggan

I'Ve Said More Than I Ought To Say

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I'm running out of ideas lately and I've said more than I ought to say
And I spend too much energy on worrying it is such a beautiful day
The magpie larks in the park piping the silver gulls mewing by the sea
And the beautiful rainbow lories sipping nectar from the flowers on the flowering gum tree.

In the high tide the big waves are rolling and racing up the sandy shore
The ocean has been there forever and will be there forever more
And we who feel we are important are mere grains in the sands of time
Our span is the brief span of mortals and a fleeting moment our prime.

I met this old bloke on the jetty he told me that he was a poet
His hair it was gray, long and straggly and he wore a shabby old coat
He sung to me some of his verses he sure had the great gift of song
We parted with a warm handshake and he whistled as he shuffled along.

I thought on the clever old fellow a stranger to wealth and to fame
He is such a marvellous poet yet his not a great literary name
For one with such wonderful talent why should he have to be so poor
Those who speak of the great God in heaven of their God I don't feel so sure?

Life is a bit much for me lately I ought to keep my tongue at bay
And I should listen to wiser people I've said more than I ought to say
I ought to be more like the old poet he sung to me his song of the day
And with a toothy smile he farewelled me and he whistled as he went on his way.

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