' I Saw Her..' Poem by Enrico Morilla

' I Saw Her..'

Rating: 2.8

Almost 2: 00am today
When I saw this video all the way
I grabbed every detail
Seriously relate how my mom did prevail...
Though, we have five cute, funny kids
I didn't try to watch, my pulling-out seeds
I did get excited every time,
I did escape to hear my wife's cry & grinding mime...
Your video and my dear, do remind me, a SOMEBODY
I saw her, yes I did, when I was at the age of three!
Walking sickly, unhealthy, looking at me, discouragingly
I was so hesitant to fix my eyes, as she glazed so sadly...
She was swept out of a mother-in-law's house
Then terrified by a convicted live-in partner in life
My two badly ill brothers in a day, both died
While the two other lovers, went away and lied...
Hopeless where to mourn? ? ?
Faithless no shoulder to hold on
I was a video recording her grief
I can't spell S-O-R-R-O-W, she kept...
She had faced her too early and a sudden DEATH..!
I wish that moment, I had this BRILLIANCE
I wish that my Literate Heart was there, to tutor assurance
I wish I did hug tightly and whisper her name
i can say to her, 'Mama relax, I am here your Loving son...'
I can tell, 'Mom, move forward only 6 men were gone..'
I can shout, ' Mother, I am here, no need to cry, do not fear! '
I can be beside her and utter, ' Nay, let's pray together ',
Our G r e a t e s t P r o v I d er, will surely bear.......
Nanay Natty is alive in my unconscious mind
Nating will never be replaced, one of a kind
Natividad has the stronger link within me, does bind
Bind us, her surname Morilla, will never be behind...
I s a w h e r, that's why I am tremendously inspired
I s a w h e r, to the presence of mommies, I respectfully admired
I s a w h e r, though my biological father left me and did hide
Thanks G O D..! I saw H I M too, day by day, does emphatically abide...

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