I Love You Kobe Poem by Cmack Estevez

I Love You Kobe

April 14,2016 10 : 32 am
I love you Kobe
You were my hero.
Till the eight now lastly to the 24.
Last night your memories struck my tears and my happiness.
It's just so hard that you are fading away from the game.
I realize that I honestly don't love you of your fame.
I love you because you're my hero and role model.
You inspired me to not quit.
You inspired me to continue.
Those 60 points I witness last night were a blessing from your talent and heart.
They were our last beloved memory of you.
It made me think to believe in myself.
You're the real MVP Kobe.
You taught us loyalty.
You taught us to listen
You taught us hard work is important.
Whenever you go I'll go.
And you taught us dearly to love you and respect you not only as a player but as a human beloved being sent from GOD.
Heroes comes and goes.
Zeroes collapses and lets us down
But a Legend like you Kobe is forever eternally.
I love you Kobe.
Thank you for the game of basketball.
Thank you for me and the fans for seeing the moment on a special wonderful game you had deeply inside your sparking heart.
Your heart has touched my heart it pounded me.
I never felt like this before when it came to my hero turned legend.
I don't care if I have a man crush on you.
I don't care if I'm obsessed on you as a fan.
Because all I know is that you will always be my number 1 hero my savior my idol and my everything.
I cried last night.
I saw your past games last night.
I saw a growth.
A man.
A hero.
I saw a legend.
I saw your 60 points.
You were amazing, I praises you and follow your path of greatness.
When I go to bed in my deep sleep every night I think of how great and special Kobe is and how I got much love for him. So in closing I will love to say farewell Kobe. See you later no goodbyes. Thank you for the sacrifices and the memories of the game of basketball. And I understand that you have to fade away eternally.
I never let go Kobe.
I never stop thinking of you.
Kobe all day.
Kobe all night.
Kobe a hero.
A legend.
And Kobe I love you forevermore and good luck on your new journey.
Rip Kobe Bean Bryant 1996 - 2016.
This isn't a goodbye it's a see you later.

Cmack Estevez
Cmack Estevez

Cmack Estevez

Hammond Louisiana
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