I Hate You 7/18/10 Poem by Envy Baker

I Hate You 7/18/10

I hate u for making me like u,
I hate u for making me smile,
I hate u for making me want u,
When really I was only a child.
I hate u for making me blush,
I hate u for making me care,
I hate u for making me confused,
I hate u for being there.
I hate u for making me notice,
I hate u for accepting my request,
I hate u for being my first everything,
I hate u for being my best.
I hate u for making me love u,
I hate u for making me feel,
I hate u for making everything feel so unbelievable,
Like its more fantasy than real.
I hate u for making me fall for u,
And then leaving me on my own,
I hate u for making me yours again,
And again for leaving me alone.
I hate me for trying again,
I hate u for all your lies,
I hate me for believing them,
And being stupid enough to not say goodbye.
I hate u for all your empty promises,
I hate u for all your cheating,
I hate u for leaving me again,
Leaving my heart bleeding.
I hate u for coming back to me,
I hate u sneaking around,
I hate u for making me laugh once more,
And for making me look like a clown.
I hate u for getting me pregnant,
I hate u for denying it all,
I hate u for lying to everyone,
And continuing to call.
I hate myself for being like this,
I hate myself because I'm weak,
I hate u because I love u,
And that makes me a freak.

This poem was written by mi first child's father.. I was 15 at the time she was conceived and thought I was in love.. Looking back, I know now I was stupid.. I wanted to be wanted and he gave me that attention for awhile.. When I did realize this early on, I didn't treat it how I should.. I kept going back even when I knew.. I did finally grow to hate this boy, but love him all the same..
Leslie Philibert 02 April 2013

and I hate so called poets who don`t write English uuuuuuuuuuu

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Envy Baker

Envy Baker

Litchfield, Illinois
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