I Am So Glad Poem by Randy McClave

I Am So Glad

I am so glad that I'm not a cheater or a liar
I am glad that I am not going to end up in hell's fire,
And I am glad that I follow the teachings of Jesus
We all should allow him to lead us.
I am glad that I don't swear or ever curse
And I am glad that I get my strength and fellowship from church,
Never because of others do I ever mock or judge
And I am so glad that I will never hold onto a grudge.
I am glad that I am not scared or ever meek
And I am glad that I can always turn the other cheek,
I am glad that I don't religiously follow politicians or dictators
Nor do I seek out false prophets or traitors.
I am glad that I'm not a racist or a bigot
With hate and racism coming from my mouth like a running spigot,
And I am glad that I can always search out the truth
As I have dedicated myself in becoming an honest sleuth.
I am so glad that I never cheated on a wife or a girlfriend
I am also glad that I was always loyal and trustworthy unto the end
And I am also glad that I always treated them right
With all that I had, and also with all of my might.
I am glad for what I have done or what I did
In my family's memories and in history books it won't be hid,
What I did was from God's teachings and because of love
Nothing that I done will my family ever be embarrassed or ashamed of.
I am glad for all the books that I have read
I am glad that they had shaped the words that I have said,
Someday when of my life and teachings they might make an enquiry
I will always be thankful for going to the library.
I am so glad that I have a son
And I am so glad and proud that he doesn't own a gun,
We will all be known by our deeds and also by our labors
And I am so glad that he's not afraid of strangers or of neighbors.
I am so glad that I stand up for the needy and the poor
As I stand up for the immigrants coming upon our shore,
When God looks down upon me" he will see
That I treated all of my brothers and sisters with love and equality.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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