I Am From... Poem by Chelsea Palma

I Am From...

I am from tongue burning hot early morning coffee, sleepy inside jokes from dad and
            "when I catch you I'm gonna eat you"
from childhood play fights knocking out each others teeth to Uno card games where no one wants
to lose
I am from broken down the middle board games, naked barbie dolls with the heads
ripped off from anger and giant room messes to big to clean
from tire swings that cause dizziness, weed whackers swallowed up by the endlessly
growing grass and being chased through the dark terrified of our next steps
I am from faded dogs beds that have been washed one to many times, sandy snake
tanks with no water, and a rabbits cage with a wandering fur ball lying about
from dad reading us to sleep to making breakfast in bed for the ‘rents
I am from midnight snacks too early for midnight, stupid sleepy conversations, and "is sesame chicken
made from elmo? "
from candy wars with candy no one likes, breaking night to pillow fights
I am from G-ville, Florida, the Bronx and " retired people's paradise"
from yellow rice with beans and rice with eggs
I am from stupid nicknames, chapped lips and tear stained cheeks at moments of weakness
from serious conversations that could go on forever to helping make the spicy, wondrous smelling taco's
I am from having my music blasted so loud my eardrums hurt, annoying neighbors who just don't
quit and tall vicious men at the door in blue uniforms
from walking the dogs to car rides around town just to get out of the house
I am from fun family races that leave us breathless, hate to lose relatives and " Are we there yet"
or "My feet hurts"
from boiled, painted eggs hidden around the yard to flinging a football like a clown on
anesthesia in the backyard
I am from watching goosebumps on the catch with my mom, ma's chocolate chip cookie aroma
wafting from the kitchen, and dad's hot-chocolate with Ritz crackers late at night
from family movie night with popcorn popping like crickets in danger and drawing contests that never
get completed
I am from sneaking around after midnight silently so my parents don't wake, eating all ma's
Doritos when she specifically said "No", and "it was the dog"
from siblings who can't keep their mouths shut to an aunt who goes 0 to 100 in 0.2 seconds
I am from a crazy, dysfunctional family and I couldn't have asked for anything better...

Pijush Biswas 06 June 2019

I'm interested in your writing. Keep writing.

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Fabrizio Frosini 14 May 2017

very good, Chelsea. Keep on!

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Kim Barney 03 December 2016

Highly entertaining! Now everyone knows everything there is to know about Chelsea - - - - or do they? I have a feeling there's something she is holding back. Tell us more!

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