Humility And Pride Poem by Bob Gotti

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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Bob Gotti
New Jersey
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1482 / 900

Humility And Pride

Rating: 4.4

Two emotions deep down inside, are those of humility and pride,
They produce what men may see, in the life of both you and me.
A haughty spirit can sure reside, in a heart that’s filled with pride.
A humble spirit is in you and me, when you’re filled with humility.

You can lift yourself up with pride, but God’s Word is not denied,
And God’s Word is clear and loud, God will humble all the proud.
Men may believe that they are wise; but that is only in their eyes.
For all of pride, my dear friend, by The Lord shall be condemned.

Men who are humble and meek, by proud men considered weak,
By The Lord are never despised, but truly favored in God’s eyes.
The Lord will exalt humble men; for this is in His Word my friend,
They will be lifted up by The Lord, as by God they’re not ignored.

On the cross there was no pride, as Jesus Christ our Savior died.
Christ had displayed for us humility, as The Savior of all humanity.
The Eternal God, far from weak, was to all men humble and meek.
God’s example is for all to behold, and His Word will not grow old.

Friend pride can be a hindrance, to the life Christ has given to us,
Pride will never be used by God, but it shall be judged by His rod.
Allow Christ’s humble spirit within, then you shall be used by Him,
As only a meek and humble life, truly displays the power of Christ.

(Copyright ©05/2006)

Caitlyn Kelly 29 October 2022

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Ency Bearis 27 October 2022

Very impressive verses

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Hans Vr 18 February 2016

Amazing very well written

2 1 Reply
Molaire Jules 18 September 2007

''Wonderful Poem! '' (10!)

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Poetry Hound 22 May 2006

Hey Bob, you know how people are always saying pride is bad, that it's one of the 7 deadly sins and all that? And yet, the Bible teaches us that Jesus was quite prideful. Some of his disciples were put off my his arrogance. He probably tried to act humble and say things like, 'My child' a lot and put his hand on their shoulder, and so some people were sort of cajoled into thinking he really was humble. I think you can't really blame him for being so prideful. I mean, he was healing the sick, turning water into wine, and performing all sorts of other magic tricks. So it's no surprise that it went to his head. He had every right to be boastful. It's just like his most devout followers today, always running around bragging that Jesus is the only way and that other relgions aren't as good. The difference is that they don't have any magic tricks to back up their case.

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1482 / 900
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
follow poet
Bob Gotti
New Jersey
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1482 / 900
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