Heavenly Dad Poem by Brother Jonathan Gardner

Heavenly Dad

'Come closer, come to me',
The man from Nazareth said.
'Come closer, come to me'.
As he performed miracles and people rose from the dead.

But many held back,
Especially the religious leaders of the day.
But many held back,
Through sheer formality.

Some wavered, but were told by their leaders of magnitude,
'God is the Almighty, not the all-matey', show respect, my friend.
Some wavered, but were told
To keep their distance, to show gratitude.

But the Holy Man came closer, breaking all the rules,
And he saw me; I am so glad.
But the Holy Man came closer, breaking all the rules,
And softly spoke, 'God says you can call Him 'Dad''.

He went on to speak truths of old,
Truth that had been forgotten or changed by rigidity.
He went on the speak truths of old.
He opened my eyes, and now I 'see'.

Some pushed me back, some scolded me,
And some just plainly didn't understand or care.
Some pushed me back, some scolded me,
But the God-Man smiled and blessed me, in that market-place, there.

And today? Those leaders are still there keeping many at a distance,
From the One who came with a loving heart
And today? Those leaders are still there keeping many at a distance,
But now you have a choice to start!

The Voice still calls, 'Come closer, come to me',
In the country, deserts or city streets His heart beats.
The Voice still calls, 'Come closer, come to me',
Will you hold back, be too formal, scared or shy, or run to the One who is your Heavenly Dad.

So draw closer and risk the scorn of a few.
Some say it's presumptious. They say it's bad.
So draw closer and risk the scorn of a few.
For it is God who says we can call Him, Abba, 'Dad'.

[Brother Jonathan Gardner]
Copyright © ®2008, Brother Jonathan Gardner. All rights reserved.

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