Heaven Comes From Every Where Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

Heaven Comes From Every Where

Some times like other times, I could we go away.
From this house pine box where I am cold,
when I was young, I was not borne away.
My house it has no name, my name for it, it was it is,
I stay like what, I am.

And normal is his house his home.
I grieve for days that yet will come.
When love a house it normal is.
It was filled up to the rafters full in tears.
Of silent dreams each room of dust,
dug up, are mummies cursed?

Love, I thought my marriage of and life was tossed away,
and what of that one time,
that I have known of love lights very brightly.
Secrets come and go each known and time completely.
I would love to swim where unknown emerald seas,
and each wave top blessed a parting, clear blue skies.

Islands off into each your living memory.
The stormy eye each surge goes deeper still.
Until the sides give up, squeezed in.
My mind which leaves the truth a potters field behind.
My heaven comes from every where, I look at once.
And everything at once my time in this old house.
And time was for the second time my life, I give but once.

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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