He Didn't Wait Poem by Randy McClave

He Didn't Wait

Unto God she did moan
She said unto him Lord why did I die alone,
Why wasn't there a man at my side
To whom I could have held and loved before and when I died.
Why wasn't there ever a man there
As I have asked and begged for many times in a prayer,
God could you please just answer me this
Why wasn't I ever given or granted that marital bliss.
God spoke, I had placed a man in your path
But, by you he was used and hurt and you did laugh,
The man that I had sent to you, you rejected
And by you he was also hurt and then neglected.
He was going to lead you back to church
But, he you quickly did besmirch,
And yes you knew the power and strength of my sword
But, my child my miracles you ignored.
You were going to give up smoking and drinking
And also your lying and impure thinking,
That man unto you which I had lead
Every word of mine he would and followed instead.
Instead you chose a man whom I didn't choose
And like you he lied and cheated and did falsely accuse,
Torment and pain he happily put you through
As he tricked and lied and also used you.
The man with whom you had currently slept
Saw and treated you just like a sad reject,
That man wasn't created to look into your eye
That's why he replaced you, when you did die.
In your life by many you were used and tricked and hurt
Many times you were treated worse than dirt,
You asked me why all alone dying was your final fate
Well, the one that I chose for you, he didn't wait.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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