Happiness Of Your Choices Poem by Uriah Hamilton

Happiness Of Your Choices

There's radical love beneath
the delicate sun of dawn,
we prayed on the beach
and handed out flowers
to the summer children.

Ideas of altruism and tenderness
illuminate mystical minds
that scratch poetry on rocks
and dilapidated city walls.

The heart is immense
and ever expanding
with compassionate feelings
for every breathing being
in the benevolent universe.

Wisely, avoid the negativity
of the cruel,
anyone who would judge another
or ever resort to any savagery.

Create the unique individual
your birth intended for you,
Avert the disaster of being
an identical copy of anyone else.

Life sometimes seems
like dark clouds
of impending gloom,
but actually, it is always
the opportunity of potential promise.

It is paramount to trust in your place
in the supernatural scheme of things,
to believe every event is purposeful,
every struggle results in positive strength.

To fail to appreciate the time at hand
is to be caught by surprise by the grave,
to willingly lose the power of the all important now.

Preserve everything sacred,
cherish everything beautiful,
salute the sunrise and never fail to greet
ecstatically the resplendent moon of midnight!

Emerge triumphant from every depression,
gloriously survive every viral attack of self-doubt,
conquer every enemy that would seek to dilute
your genuine essence of dignified confidence.

Thoughtful rebellion is the key to perseverance,
to never relent from meaningful pursuits
or powerful demonstrations of love.

Don't resist sharing your personality
but season it with friendliness and generosity,
fill the rooms you enter with cheerful laughter.

Only abstain from activities of self-hurt
or cruelty to others,
otherwise, be open to the possibilities
ever unfolding around you.

There are devices of destruction,
an epidemic of unwarranted violence,
but the journey forward is unrestrained gentleness
and uncompromising kindness.

One has to make it through this world decisively,
having a well-defined definition and vision
of the purpose of his own existence.

Have dominant dreams as your foundation
when the world challenges
your desire to brilliantly and unimaginably to succeed.

Find the indomitable will to persevere
through the maze of every obstinate obstacle placed in your path,
self determination is salvation.

Your appearance here on the beautiful earth
is as fleeting as a summer flower
and soon even memories of your handful of days
will evaporate like the morning mist,
you must insist on the happiness of your choices.

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