Happiness Is...... Poem by Christina Phan

Happiness Is......

Happiness is
Having someone by your side to love
You have that moment when things is going your way
One thing is happiness to me is you when I see you and your cute smile
You make my darkness disappear
I feel happy and I know there is one person who can make my day bright
I'm happy to found you here
Happiness is
Mean to me is
Being Myself
What ever I accomplish, I'm proud of myself
It could be someone you crush on
You can count on them to make you feel better when you are in a good mood
I know one person and he make me forget someone else and everything else I think about
I know I can count on someone to do that
Happiness is
Have the best day ever and everything is going my way
My life is turning out good
Happiness is

Abdullah Musa 15 December 2009

Yes happiness is when you have someone by your side. Even when things are not right they will stand by your side to help you through. Well done!

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Happiness is Having someone by your side to love You have that moment when things is going your way...happiness is not what you see around but on your face and with your memebers. having somebody by your side os something uniquae in love/........ i love it....10 read mine si must go and butterflies around... n o, mother.

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Zachary Clark 21 February 2009

I like it but you spelled depressed wrong lol.

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Christina Phan

Christina Phan

San Jose, Califorina
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