Guilt Poem by Joshua Hillard


</>It feels like life is nothing but guilt,
From the hurt I’ve gained and the pain I’ve felt,
You spend time lost in a world so cold,
Frostbitten by the lies and the stories you were told,

Your dreams become weary as your heart starts to shrink,
Like a raisin in the sun; not to love nor to think,
To ruminate thoughts lodged deep in your soul,
Only to be frostbitten in a world so cold,

Your fist stays clenched with a glowing anger,
Just to be tamed by hate, controlled by your trainer,
As if your feelings became a robbery, a theft who stole,
Frostbitten eternally, day by day in a world so cold,

You dim your life on basis in our evolution of the sun and moon,
Caught in the meaning of coming up only to go back down soon,
You had a life, but that life was dismantled from its whole,
A heart surviving frostbitten in a world so cold,

Why must you shut out the things that mean most for less,
A choice you lost as a pawn in this life we call chess,
All I could ever want is to live a life in serenity, to be bold,
But instead I suffer in a frostbitten world beyond cold,

Now I sit here angered beyond lost due to my guilt,
A choice I'm making were my cards to be dealt,
Now its all gone, all it took was for this one thing to show,
I must now … Live alone frostbitten in a world so cold.

… Guilt … Choice … Where lies freedom? …

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