Greeting February Poem by Ananta Madhavan

Greeting February

Rating: 5.0

My quilt and blanket slid off.
I wriggled out of bed, a little shivery;
The watch showed two-something.
Far too early, but I liked to hail
February, the shortest month, but still,
In this Leap Year, at its full stretch.

A dear uncle who had lived in England,
Once told me when I was barely nine,
The story from an operetta, where the hero, Fred,
Had to wait four years for his next birthday,
On the twenty-ninth of February.
Uncle sang a snatch in mimic baritone
From Gilbert and Sullivan about
A model modern Major-General and the
‘Pirates of Penzance' in Cornwall.

I have worked for a Prime Minister;
Who was one of that rare kind,
No slouch for work, a steady leader,
He lived long, perhaps felt much younger
Than coevals born on the first of March.

In careful strides I came to my room
With a wall of books, unprinted words,
In scraps of manuscript and some in cyber-lore,
Not yet extinguished by the delete button.

I saw, faintly reflected on my tiled floor,
A bloated rectangle of pallid moonlight,
An elongated shadow, all askew.
I stood in awe at my plate glass window
And gazed in wonder at the black sky,
The crescent moon in lone brilliance,
Half-a-globe, afloat on rocking waves,
A satellite in lunar orbit, arcane lore.

Do we too cast dim-lit shadows that might seem
Distorted and askew to stranger eyes?
Do we too orbit in an arcane lore?

- - - -
Mysuru, India.

Friday, February 5, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: moon
Prime Minister Morarji Desai died on 10 April,1995. He was
99 years of age. He was born on 29 Feb.1896.
Valsa George 14 February 2016

Getting up from bed at an unearthly hour on a February night, your memories wander to one of your uncles who told you the story of someone who could celebrate his birthday only after four years, he being born on 29th Feb. a leap year! It being still very dark, your gaze extends to the dark sky lit by the galleon of a moon that shines in lone brilliance. To you the moon seems to tell an arcane lore. The poet wonders if we too will cast dim shadows like the moon that might seem mysterious to strangers and if we too will orbit in a mysterious lore! The poem progresses from mundane to metaphysical!

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A. Madhavan 14 February 2016

Dear Poet-Friend and Cherished Reader, Prof. Valsa George. . Once again, I convey my sincere gratitude for your comment and perceptive reading of my poem, 'Greeting February'. You have shown the perceptive empathy of a literary critic: you have pointed to the oddity of February 2016 having the 29th day as a Leap Year, you have clarified the concept of the author's Leap to another level beyond the old operetta of Gilbert and Sullivan in the Victorian era. Readers will help me to get my offerings circulate more widely. I am all for literary critics who have themselves produced poems with perceptions and ideas suited to our times and contexts. Best wishes on this day of saintly remembrance. A. Madhavan

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Mana Kavingyan 08 February 2016

Enjoyed the February with your eyes

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