Great Martyrs Poem by Shishir kant

Great Martyrs

Rating: 5.0

Oh! Alas! my Hero is no more.....
He fought a duel against the bravest enemy;
He entangled his enemy for eight days;
And like a brave fighter hugged his enemy.

We have bowed ourselves on his death,
And the country has seen his brave punch;
Not only the country but the world has also seen his fight;
We saw the powerful death to realize your punch.

My Hero suffered much for his victory,
And repulsed his enemy again and again;
Oh! my Hero, God saw your finest fight;
And said this fight one of the best.

You have left us in your terrible memory,
You showed your power and disappeared;
They will repent who did not see your miraculous fight;
Would you not lose your duel and disappeared!

You have gone from here to serve There,
You have completed your faithful duty;
And the world always remember your beauty.
not only we but mother Earth also saw your glorious duty.

You lived here as a brave King,
And always searched your enemy as Bing;
You will go and dwell among the stars;
And I'll find you to playing the Guitars.

Oh! my brave Soldiers, We have never felt such pain,
Our tears are falling from our eyes as rain.

Dedicated to
Martyr Hanumatn Thapa and Others Brave Soldiers

Great Martyrs
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: deaths
Chinedu Dike 15 February 2017

Lovely tribute and memorial to gallant soldiers who laid down their lives for their motherland. Beautiful and insightful. Thanks for sharing.

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Shishir Kant 16 February 2017

Thank you Sir for your valuable words on my poetic verse lines.

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