Goddess In Human Form Poem by Praveen Kumar in Celestial Glow

Goddess In Human Form

She is not like all,
She is self-contained
And kind to all.

Simplicity is her virtue,
Honesty, her strength,
She is pleasing to all.

She detests none;
While goings are hard,
Silent she keeps.

She built her fences
On inner dictates
And crosses it not.

Though bright like Sun,
Never she fights for rights,
Nor yields to any wrong.

Men or women, adore her,
But she keeps her space,
Yet she is darling of all.

Hard on herself is she
In keeping to her values,
And spares not her faults.

While commits to a job,
She is body, mind and soul
Till her job is done.

No shortcuts she relishes,
Laborare est orare for her,
And strives for her best.

Neither she fights nor competes,
She is gentle to the core
And loves to hide herself.

She prefers to give up life
Instead stealing others' joys,
Selfless is her soul.

Spartan she is in habits,
Never she seeks loud worlds,
Always sincere soul.

Never she ever overstretches,
Nor falls behind in any,
Poise is her strength.

No small joys for her,
Austerity is her life
Though gentle is she for all.

Gentle jasmine smile in her,
Friendly warmth in eyes
Blossom souls about her.

Transpicious like glass,
Nothing hidden or grey in her,
She is an open book.

She bends willingly to the knee
While pressures work from above,
But recoils beyond limits.

Soft in talk certainly she is,
A pleasure to have face to face
And gentle in rapport always.

She yields to all bounds,
But unusually bold she is
While time calls for that.

None has seen her really angry,
She withdraws in right time
An saves good time for all.

No fear ever touches her,
But she never stands to resist
And hurts none anytime.

No leisure she enjoys,
Hard work is her trait,
She keeps always busy.

She is Golden Wonder,
Purest of pure gold;
True gold fears no fire.

In love, she is sheer Goddess,
A metaphor of sacrifice,
Pure devotion is she.

She throttles past and present
And wrecks life ahead
If love calls for it.

Her love is no impulsive act,
A soulful commitment,
Beyond life's limits.

But she wrecks even love,
If it is to steal from others,
And wrecks her own life.

Gentle like flowers she is;
And more fierce than fire
When it comes to that fix.

Hard like coconut shell is she,
Also delicious like its core,
When she faces hard world.

She gives not heart to any,
Once given, takes not back,
And willingly suffers for that.

Twice she comes to life
To meet her man again
Though he is aged now.

In age of women's rights,
While men and women in odds,
She may be an odd piece.

Whoever whatever may judge,
She is God of true God,
My Goddess in human form.

Shahzia Batool 14 March 2012

Bright as the sun, her eyes the gazers strike and like the sun, she shines on all alike........ Favors to none, to all she smiles extends oft she rejects, but never once offends...A.Pope...(Belinda) One likes to meet such a lovely person...for praising whom the poet never gets short of words n expressions...

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