Flickering Globules Poem by Mihaela Pirjol

Flickering Globules

Rating: 4.2

The former liquid gold of the flickering globules, flaming,
Has spilled its former glory upon a masterpiece painting:
The vintage, and opulent past, looks into your present eyes,
Whilst, your visionary future dreams at the glory of the past;

The glory of a former heart, exquisitely immortalised in art,
Contemplates the spherical imaginings in your sparkling eyes:
It envisages visions, whispers, and pain, in a vice-versa game:
Where the art with your eyes, like flickering globules play.

Monday, May 3, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: art
Dennis Ryan 14 May 2024

I disagree with these two poets who I know, and who know my work. There is another poem behind and inside of this poem that you have yet to write—a much more realistic poem about love and eye contact and passion that the present poem only hints at.

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Dennis Ryan 14 May 2024

Sorry, unlike Neal, I don't think …. What I wan

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Sylvia Frances Chan 18 September 2021

Just like Mr. Asim's response I say here too that this is scintillating poetry! Our artistic eyes have the ability to see these all.5 Stars full

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M Asim Nehal 16 September 2021

Fabulous poetry. Indeed, It envisages visions, whispers, and pain, in a vice-versa game...

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