Feelings-What Feelings Can Do Poem by Mary Mc Creath

Feelings-What Feelings Can Do

Rating: 5.0

Feelings can trigger fear or joy
They come about when perceptions
enter my neural system
And are linked to data stored there.

The sight of a beautiful flower or sunset
triggers previous feelings of joy
I have stored in my neural system
concerning the flower or sunset.

A sight or sound of an explosion
triggers previous feelings of fear
that I had when these were perceived
in my past and stored in my neural system.

It is important to take time
to evaluate the current feelings
we have before acting on them
Otherwise they will link to past data
and the strength of them will be
multiplied from past experiences.

I can savour this flower or this sunset
and appreciate it before it is consigned
automatically to my joy database
Thus consciously opening a sub directory that is
new and deeper.

I can look at where my feelings
of fear are coming from and
notice it was a car backfiring or
someone just popped a balloon.

In doing this I no longer add
to my database of fear but open
up a new directory for other sounds
that do not have the deeper fear,
associate with them.

Mary Mc Creath

Mary Mc Creath

Glasgow, Scotland
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