Farewell Beloved Madinah Poem by Omar Osman Jabak

Farewell Beloved Madinah

Rating: 5.0

My life in Madinah has been a great blessing,
It is the very place I will be greatly missing.

I've known some good fellows,
Who helped me with my sorrows.

To be a good teacher, or not to be so,
Has always rendered me a friend or a foe.

I like the place here, the Dean and the College,
They all helped me augment my knowledge.

I know for a fact I was sometimes unkind,
So please forgive me that I know you won't mind.

I wish I could say more,
I wish I were so sure,

That we shall stay together,
Happy, and true to each other.

Mohammad Al-kurdi 22 September 2008

a nice life story..says 'do not worry'.......nice rhym scheme is written..with a great meaning is gotten.

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Chinedu Dike 28 May 2021

Beautiful rendition of words from the heart.

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samson ogbeewi 27 May 2021

Beautiful... I could also feel the sadness of the poet while reading...now I feel like visiting Madinah😄

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Farah Ilyas 02 June 2013

i wish i were also there: -(you were luckiest person indeed...feel elated to read your poem of love regarding Madinah..10++

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Saadat Tahir 06 October 2011

very nice and touching lines.....liked them we share the stint at madinah....i 15 years back.....and feel sad at having had to leave.... be happy Allah ma'akk

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Ashraful Musaddeq 04 October 2008

10 for this lovely composition on love.

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