Enchanted Poem by Lizzie Lum


I won't have to convince myself about you
Nor will I be afraid to perceive with exactness
Fearing that the accuracy of my seeing
Will awaken a sinking disenchantment
Your reality will be invigorating and clean

You'll be someone who truly sees me
Enthuses me to be the best version of myself
Cherishing all my complexity and contradiction
But ultimately know that I sense the world in technicolour
Because you too carry that same feeling in your own fibre
The wonder of life that I still struggle to find the words for
But yet breeds ever-deeper in your presence

You'll inspire me.

You'll respect the path I've walked to greet you here
Stir me in every way a person can be moved
And I'll arouse you because I'll feel born to love every aspect
For all of your brilliance and splendid earthly flaws
I'll really see you too, perhaps like no other has ever before
Because this is an intimacy of the most beautiful kind

Above all, together we'll appreciate that loneliness
Is not a fear of being alone for we relish the wisdom of solitude
Respecting uninhabited spaces that whistle wistfully in emptiness
Mystical cavities that sit serenely in-between time and space
Where no answers can be found, just more questions
And we'll cherish the fact that we often lose ourselves there
In those gaps in-between words when something runs deep
Where life isn't punctuated but is a spotless kind of stillness
As if the world holds it's breath for a moment so we can feel free

And we'll sit in that knowing tranquility
As we gradually find ourselves in each other's image
Understanding that out of the blessed nothingness
Is where we always knew we'd join up our dots
For in our communion with each other
We are able to trace back to the truth of ourselves

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