Clear As Clouds Poem by Lizzie Lum

Clear As Clouds

All of the clouds saunter along like they usually do
Stretched out panoramic across the congenial blue
And I notice those simple fluffy shapes, the symbols
Just rolling by so effortlessly and carelessly it seems
And like a child strains a long gaze upwards in wonder
Envisaging all manner of grand outlines, ships or sheep
I too try to fathom the nature of such fragile floaty things
Exquisite forms that I welcome in, many unexpected too
Some draw closer only to glide away, others stay longer
Several somersault stormily and swiftly with quite a clap
A few meander in nonchalantly, all peaceful and blithe

But no gloomy storm clouds could an eternity endure
Nor the delicateness of even the lightest, fluffiest one
For they all appear from no where, to be - now here -
And shall continue far beyond my wasteful watching
Such silly squinting merely strains these eyes of mine
Which are puzzled by chronicles nudged on by winds
Morphing genially and mumbling their own secret tales
To be blown athwart by these heavens and dispersed
But not too weary to dissolve and assume another form
Mingling and merging to return to that of the innermost

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