Effigy; Destiny's Dream Poem by Don MacIver

Effigy; Destiny's Dream

Destiny's Dream

~inspirational effigy...

Sometimes we feel the essence of a path we wish to take so elliptic, a stone-strewn obstacle path to nowhere, confinement of potential, the things of dreams.

But what is life if not filled with those things of dreams? Day by day, life may seem long, drawn out, never-ending, and dreary. Yet, from a larger perspective, the essence of being is relative in terms of time and what we aspire to, dream for, and what we commit ourselves to accomplish in our time.

Do loss and heartache defeat our purpose? Have we defined what our purpose in life will entail? Our future is our pre-destination. Our past reflects what was, and what used to be.

We look upon our relationships as 'forever', yet forever is merely what we aspire and make it to be. In the 'end, ' we will pass on to an alternative being of sorts, and that mortality is assured and not assumed. Therefore, our time to accomplish what we desire has defined limitations.

Do you gaze through a veil of uncertainty while awaiting 'what will happen will happen as meant to be'? The obscurity of that veil defies, or at least inhibits or distorts our perception moving forward.

When you consider what lies ahead in terms of your destiny, are you doing so for yourself, your alter ego, or others in your sphere who would be smitten with your ultimate successes in life?

Remember that life is indeed brief, finite, and often unforgiving. Too many circumstances in life become obstacles, especially in our minds.

* For these moments, engage in this epistle of inspired and mindful tidings below. Allow your thoughts to rest and nestle deeply with what you see and feel. Reread this paragraph and the verse for what it means to only you, at your will. *

Do you feel as though life, or those in your life, have failed you? May I suggest that you instead look inward to find the answer to that question? Fate would suggest that only you/we can continue moving forward in a positive light, should we choose. We cannot rely on or burden our expectations on the efforts of another.

It is never too late to embrace new directions. If we give up, such a decision is a castaway from all that we could and can achieve in life that remains. Is the remorse in your eventual dying breaths worthy of your neglectful oversight?

Destiny's Dream

On this night of

all nights

rest your head

upon pillow

close your eyes

to disillusion

room saved

for your



Let your smile

in this moment

be as it will

as it may

for your dreams

of fulfillment

begin here

in the now

not a lifetime



May your tears

in their falling

heal and bestow

belief in your



Heaven knows

reach out

with your eyes

see and feel

life's hereafter

your future

your dream

your life

of its own


© Don MacIver Poetry 2023; All rights reserved


photo by Zac Durant on UnSplash.com

Effigy; Destiny's Dream
Are you overwhelmed with the malaise of the world? These words should help...
Don MacIver

Don MacIver

Hamilton, Ontario
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