Edina-9 Poem by shuvo chakraborty


We are not too close to divinity neither too open to heretics,
But lingering like an open page to engrave genuine sermom and great sayings of sages.
What we had before birth and would have after death,
Which way is suitable for us towards heaven or hell
Are not matters concerning our roaming existence.
What learning fruitful for us or what doctrine can emancipate
Our careless souls towards permanent graves,
Where waits eternal rest in cold darkness with curious insects
Never has overtaken our thoughtful moments that have sporadic waves,
Encirceling our solid content ere giving a weighty thrust
Onwards for a genuine quest to absolve us
From monotonous cycle of birth and dead by planting us on a milky way.
Thence we can have a startling fantastic moment,
Counting the every second of a light year like a perinial stop watch
Or standing like a clock tower in mid of floating stars and planet
Pointing the correct way safe from truant comets and meteors or elf.
If the place being void and freeze our bodies and souls
With unbearable cold or prevent our return to earth in erstwhile shape
And prolong the floating being rootless, touching one star to another
Like a meandering heavy rock that once was heavy upon the earth
But transforms to a blank bubble after losing its gravitational wealth.
What we were taught that earth is omnipotent to bring everything on its bosom
However high anything can go within the bound of imperial air
Had no effect upon us as none of us be brought to close in such black hole.
No sincere prayer or log drawn ritual draw any bee to make our bud blossom,
Never any Cupid light piercing our hearts to bare
For going through how heavy the old remorse has heaped beneath our breast
To build an attic shaped memorial upon the blank land of silence and reticence.

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