Ecological Doom Poem by Madathil Rajendran Nair

Ecological Doom

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Research says
The funeral pyres
Across our land
Cause global warming
Himalayan snow to melt
As do the fires lit
At religious rituals and worship

Beware therefore
Before you light
Incense before the Gods
The Diwali lamps
Not to mention the crackers

Scientists whose moustache hair
Is yet to attain the natural sheen
Of adulthood
Funded by international aid
Are doling out
New gospels for the world to follow

Beware and shudder
Cast your ancient wisdom
Away and embrace
The new vision of science
That predicts
Ecological doom
Every second of the day

Forget your forefathers
Who brought in the rains
By lighting ritual fires
Laid down rules
To celebrate your festivals
At the peak of summer
With fireworks
In order to seed the clouds
And gave you the best way
To dispose of the dead

Ecological doom
Ecological doom
Caused by funeral fires!
When your modern factories
Are sending
Many hapless ones
Early to their unfortunate pyres!

Exaggeration is our wont
Sensationalism our forte
The media is playing court
With vested interests no doubt

And there is this crow
Who gives me company
When I sip my morning tea
On whose wisdom I rely

There are crows and crows
Birds and birds
But we rarely see
Any one of them lying dead
I asked my friend what they did
With the cadavers of their friends

He cocked his head
And cawed out aloud
Ask your scientists
To eat the dead

Wise guy he is
Our scientists now
Should follow his advice
And sit down to eat
Their sumptuous meals
Aproned well
With fork and knife

This poem was written in November 2013 after reading a sensational newspaper report about funeral and religious fires across India causing the Himalayan glaciers to melt.
Rajesh Thankappan 25 June 2015

We should be prudent enough to discern the difference between facts and mere sensationalism. These sensationalism are often choreographed by developed countries so as to put pressure on the developing countries to do more towards protecting the fragile environment and ecology while they are the ones who in the first place have jeopardized it.

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Tirupathi Chandrupatla 07 June 2015

Beware and shudder Cast your ancient wisdom Away and embrace The new vision of science I always questioned the procedure of burning oils to bring rains. Use judgment when creating fires. A beautiful write to develop the consciousness. Thank you.

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Valsa George 07 June 2015

To create sensationalism, the so called prophets and scientists come out with new theories. What is said yesterday is rewritten today. What was regarded as fact yesterday becomes fiction today. Birds and animals can sense an earthquake or a natural disaster more than the seismological dept. and its scientists. We the common men are confounded and confused by new theories. Best thing is to rely on our own observation and experience! A great write flouting fallacious hype!

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