Easter Sunday & Mother's Day Poem by Luke Easter

Easter Sunday & Mother's Day

Easter Sunday is most attended in any Christian church,
The resurrection should remind us of His suffering and hurt,
A blood price paid for every male, female, young and old,
Not to strut like Peacocks in the, Emperor’s new clothes.

No one begrudges a nice outfit, hat and brand new shoes,
However, the gospel is first to spread Jesus’ good news,
Like Christmas, maybe the Thanksgiving example is better,
Praise & glory to God is the real reason we come together.

Many Christians follow the path of a sightless dusty road,
It is not an, “I can look better than you can” fashion show,
Dressed in the latest who knows what with a ruffled shirt,
Wear something already owned put that money in church.

Release the thought, spending more than needed anyway,
Is that the same garb you are wearing on Judgment Day?
Easter celebrates the rising of Christ by God’s resurrection,
Our heart is only where the Lord will determine perfection.

On Friday, for all mankind unceremonially nailed to the cross,
At first glance He looked defeated and everything seemed lost,
Oh, but on the third day, a miracle. Yes! Christ Jesus has risen,
John 3: 16, “For God so loved the world His Son He had given.”

The same thing goes for the celebration day of sweet old mom,
Just brand new everything she and everyone else has to don,
Some nerve to save the price tag then when it’s over & done,
Then take it back to Macy’s, Sears or K-Mart for a full refund.

They’re big department stores, what’s the big deal, who gets hurt?
It’s theft but hey okay because you’re worshiping God in church?
Heck if that’s the case why not steal a car to take you to and from?
Oh yeah, rob a store on the way, tithe a little then you keep some?

A sanctuary is the house of the Lord and not a den of thieves,
Well, at least the bible does inform us this is how it should be,
Listen, don’t think for one minute that you won’t have to pay,
Behind bars is no way to spend Easter Sunday & Mother’s Day.

Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
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