Drinking Alone Below The Moon Poem by gina guo

Drinking Alone Below The Moon

drinking alone below the moon
there was a pot of wine among the flowers,
i drank it alone without any intimate friends.
lifting my cup of wine, i invited the moon in the sky to join me,
there seemed suddenly to turn up three people including the moon, my shadow and myself.
when i sang aloud, the moon also paced up and down accordingly.
when i danced by myself, my shadow became to be in a mess along with the moonlight.
since the moon could not understand the joy of drink,
the shadow only followed my body in vain,
let me accompany the moon and the shadow for the time being,
i should take pleasure in time so as to live up to the bright and beautiful spring scenery.
being clear-minded, we were so cheerful together,
after i was dead drunken, we had to say farewell to one another,
since you're still on the sky, i was still on earth.
but let's make friends as without one's self for ever,
and look forward to our next appointment in the far starry sky.

the author libai(? ?) is called 'the fairy of poem' in china, his poem is alwayse full of fantastic imagination and reflects the writter's melancholy and lonely feelings at the same time. due to lack of friends, he unexpectedly regarded the moon and his shadow as his collegues.

http: //expertscolumn.com/content/drinking-alone-below-moon

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