Doors Poem by Yada Richie


I - The End

Opened was the door with a happy hand,
A light heart and a dreamy head,
A step with a skip, to a day of change.
To a phonecall from a regretful voice.
Delivering the dire to a disbelieving ear.
With a plagued mind and a broken heart
Heavy feet carried a broken soul back over that threshold,
With the last tears she would shed
Spilling onto the doorway, before harshly it was closed.

II - The Meeting

Concealed was her fate behind that door,
In the hands of kind hearts hidden behind professional eyes.
The last of her will used on that knock,
None remained to raise a head hung low or eyes drooped down.
Her only crime: abandoning hope
Yet guilt and shame blazed from two dry eyes,
'All is not lost' offered unknowing lips
For she had already slammed that door tightly shut

On a dream tainted by that which now was revealed.

III - The Darkness

Trapped was the girl, in a dark room with a hundred doors
Each locked with her own self-pitying hand,
Sat with anger and resentment: her only company.
Through many a keyhole light shone bright,
But in her haste to lock the world outside
Her sorrowful eyes could see no way out.
All doors opened to a new disappointment,
Until one blew gently open, and cautiously she stepped
With fear and hesitation, but her hope was freedom.

IV - The White Room

Broken was her soul, stood between the doorway.
Fear screaming at her to return to the locked room,
Desperation urging her forward to the white room.
Understanding eyes invited her to 'Hang up your troubles'.
Stubbornly she sat, revealing more of the suppressed,
Refusing to allow averted eyes to moisten,
Leaking her past, her present, yet concealing much
Of what directed her scared thoughts at the closed door
Unlocking more safeguards, to what she hoped was repair.

V - The Intervention

Dark was the room to which she returned each day.
Securely isolated; entry only at her discretion
She slipped a note under the door,
An insight to the hell residing behind two blinded windows.
Convinced that she was alone, abandoned, forgotten
The knocking came as a surprise.
People she had evicted, distanced
Had arrived with a ram of love and care,
The seeked not admission, merely for her to see what was light.

VI - The Struggle

Careful was the opening of the doors,
With people, friends, flocking to her side
With caring shoulders, delicate tongues, attentive ears
They helped her through, catching the tears
Returning to flood her eyes, reluctant to leave.
The darkness taunting her temporarily silenced
With 'happiness' easily inhaled,
Providing moments in a quiet delirium, when everything dissolved
Into the haze, with two glazed eyes ignorant that it was reckless.

VII - The Standstill

Stale was her situation, a standstill,
Safety in the from of inaction;
Left to stew in her own self-disgust.
Then shown to her was a new door,
Pushed through, she stood on the otherside
Finally seeing the bottom of the rock,
Where with two desperate eyes she saw her exit.
Forcing a door on Them, she flew
To her last resort, knowing only that it was fresh.

VIII - The Escape

Sadness was in their eyes as she walked out the door,
She hid them in her heart and didn't look back.
Welcomed into the arms of another family,
Adjusted into a life of peaceful mayhem.
Rapidly the darkness withdrew and gradually freed her mind.
The only reminder - a few black stains on a newly cleansed soul.
There her troubles suddenly took perspective,
But were shaded by the beauty of open space
Where locked doors were rare, and finally she was happy.

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