Divine Light Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Divine Light

She is my definition of beauty,
She is what a soul should be,
What a mind and heart, intellect and shape
In thoughts and emotions it should be,
In deductions and proportions they should be;
It is the light deep in her soul
That makes her she, the dazzling Sun
That gives life to all the beings
And spawns the Fullmoon from a dark satellite.

She lights up my horizons as only she can
And opens up new worlds of love and devotion,
Of what simplicity and sincerity are all about;
She makes sweetness sweet, charm, charming
And the world richer in content and context;
She is pure like an infant's smile
Or the fragrance of a blossoming flower;
She brings depth to innocences's strength,
That invests her with a surreal halo.

She is serene like Himalayan clime,
Intense like a sage's devout prayers,
Always focused and deep from within
In what she says and whatever she does;
She is clear like snow on Himalayan heights
And delicious like sunshine on Himalayan snows;
She is a pleasure to look, a wonder to hark
And the fount of all solace found on this Earth,
A joy to meditate and bliss to unite.

She is the soul of the soul of all souls,
She is the light of the light of all lights,
The warmth that sprouts all Universes,
The immortal lamp that lights all the worlds;
She is the divine light of my soul
And unknown horizons of my heart
That descends to my time and space
To unravel hidden treasures within me
And sprouts herself anew in its fold.

A wondrous wonder of the celestial process,
A miracle of the cosmic unfolding,
She is my interface to the world around;
A commoner as I am, sheer divine she is,
I feel divine in her haloed presence
And long to drown in her sacred spring;
Alas, our time is not yet ripe
And we have tasks to attend before that
To meet our goals to the common end.

Noiseless she bears all upheavals before her,
Like a soldier she marches over hell-fires,
And never heeds calls to retract to compromise -
For, it is the light deep in her soul
That makes her she, the dazzling Sun;
She marches straight towards my post
Though she knows not how far we must walk
While shadows of dusk are flying fast
And time for us is losing count.

Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi 11 February 2012

Interesting poem..Preveen Kumar

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