Discipline! Poem by Luke Easter


What is the one key word that stifles all men?
None other than the tile of this poem, Discipline,
BTW, in any dictionary you will very easily find,
Mentioning the word man speaks of all mankind.

With the same zeal being applied in a state of rest,
Discipline is needed when plowing through your test,
On occasion lightning has been known to strike twice,
Equally as dangerous is the invisible deadly black ice.

You’re slipping and sliding or tumbling out of control,
What is done when on fire? It’s called stop dropp and roll,
Whatever chaotic circumstance or condition you are in,
Even faith won’t operate without the power of Discipline.

Response should never be based on what is perceived,
It should be confronted by what our Discipline believes,
I know what it means, neck deep in an unknown valley,
Pitch black walking cautiously along an unfamiliar alley.

No matter how it looks, smells, feels, tastes or sounds,
Discipline will find you landing feet first on solid ground,
A nursing home, hospital bed, behind bars, a court of law,
Caleb made it by not being intimidated from what he saw.

Satan will make sure that you’ll see more than your share,
Continually planting thoughts stating God no longer cares,
No matter what that liar suggests or how it looks very real,
Not blackjack, poker or gin rummy, Discipline is the deal.

Visa, Bank of America, Discover, Master Card or Sears,
The voice on the other end of the phone has you in tears,
Long before there’s an answer your explanation begins,
Defined by mental and moral training Discipline mends.

Wait, that’s no answer because talk will not pay my bills,
However, who is the owner of a 1,000 cattle on the hills?
So, there is something you can do to get out of that mess?
Then tell me, why in the heck are you still taking this test?

It’s surely much more than spanking a child on their behind,
In Romans 12, Paul talks about the renewing of your mind,
Before the last stanza brings this poem to a consecrated end,
Understand all successful endeavors come from Discipline.

It’s not how we build our bodies lifting weights in a gym,
God will allow certain situations increasing faith in Him,
El Shaddai, Jehovah Jireh & Nissi your very best friend,
It’s not the current diagnosis but your faith by Discipline.

Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
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