December Poem by Jennifer Cook

Jennifer Cook

Jennifer Cook

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Jennifer Cook
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Wow looking back on December 15,2004,
Still haunts me,
The coldness, the rape, that hate I feel inside,
I try my hardest to cope with it,
I hope he goes to jail with no bail,
I hope he dies for what he did,
When the time of December 15, it hurts me to smile,
You have caused me pain,
Caused me to cut myself,
I wanted to die,
I wanted to cry,
I wanted to scream for help but no one heard me,
I feel dirty,
You made me feel a shame of myself,
You made me blame things on myself,
Every is my fault,
Its all my fault that you raped me and hurt me,
The pain I feel,
The tears of sorrow,
The things you have done to me,
It hurts to cry,
It hurts to say that this December 15th will make 2 years ago,
But it hurts me that I am a rape victim.

Rebeca Valenzuela 04 February 2007

As i read this poem i feel such anger and saddness inside knowing that someone can do such an awful act. No one should ever go through that.

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Abdulaziz Ahmad 11 December 2006

Hello, I read this poem with great concern and tearful eyes...That's an abysmal act! I really pity you.

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Carlie Emerine 15 April 2006

OMG! ! ! That is such a sad poem! ! ! ! and a very good one too! ! !

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Jennifer Cook

Jennifer Cook

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Jennifer Cook
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